My Favorite Things About Witchcraft

Being a proper witch for over 28 years has given me a lot of time to practice the Craft. It's been a fun, sometimes exhausting journey, but one happily taken.

Here are a few of my favorite things about witchcraft:
1. No set rules, only your own and natures. Now, don't get confused with the Wicca religion, it has a ton of rules! - Witchcraft does not, only the ones you appose upon yourself and what nature sets. Common sense things like, "Harm none, but take no shit!", be civil, "with great power comes great responsibility". Just remember for every action there's a reaction.
2. The freedom and power to be yourself. You are allowed to follow what ever branch of the Witchcraft tree suits you the best. There is no right and wrong way. It's your path.
3. There's SO much to learn you'll never get bored or hear the same things over and over again. I think that's why I enjoy being an Eclectic Witch so much because of all the new things to learn and do. But remember - don't dabble - LEARN everything you can about what you choose! The spirits, the land, the culture, then the magic.
4. Creating your own destiny. Having the power and knowledge to manifest your own world. That's a powerful statement. Imagine it - creating your own happiness! You don't have to be a witch to do that, by the way, just the consciousness to create, and the willingness to put forth the energy to do so.
5. This sounds silly - but I love the secret of being a witch. Even though I am no longer in the "broom closet" I still love gathering necessary spell ingredients secretly. Knowing what they are intended for gives them a special power. The solitary act of casting with complete veiling, is a real rush to me. That's where I find the still, quiet power of the Universe waiting for me.
6. The gratification of seeing a successful spell come to fruition. Nothing better. 
7. Someone ask me what it was like to cast a spell, if it felt different then an everyday feeling. I replied - very much so! It's a sensation like no other to be "in the zone". It's a bit hard to understand if you've never experienced it, but I'll try to make it clear. Think of the most wonderful feeling you've ever experienced mingled with the most satisfying, gratifying, energetic zing. It's a different time and space, of ancients whispering in your ear and chants flowing through your mind. The scent of long lost forests, rivers and mountains. Crystalline, pristine, dark and deeply powerful. I feel a sense of euphoria and ultimate strength surging through my core when casting. It's also very draining using all that power. Usually a good meal and lots of water are necessary after a large casting.

Plain and simply, I love being a Witch. It's the most natural thing I've done in this life. It's who I deeply am.

What do you love about being a witch? Tell us about it.


  1. I feel the same, I’ve always felt as a child I was different. But being raised in a catholic household I couldn’t express myself until now. I don’t hide nor do I go out of my way to tell others what that I’m a witch. I feel it’s something I hold dear to me. I’ve been much happier now that I can cast and practice without hiding.


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