
Showing posts from January, 2020

Does my first tarot deck need to be given to me?

Happy New Year, Witches! Now that the holidays are over I can get back to writing in this blog.  One question that comes up a lot is "Does my first tarot deck need to be given to me?", the simple answer is - No, of course not. If there's a certain tarot or oracle deck calls to you, buy it. So where did this idea of being gifted a tarot deck come from? I have seen many theories on the matter and the most common is this: tarot decks were once very hard to come by. Tarot decks weren't mass printed like they are now. If someone was lucky enough to own or make their own deck, it would be passed down like a valuable jewel. Therefore "gifting" it to another. This made them very special and some would say even more powerful and reliable. Many believed the "spirit" that helped their ancestor would come with the given deck and would help them as well. Rare decks would be handed down through many generations of careful readers. Over time this tradition morp...